Our mandate is to increase the impact of our activities by scaling up our already-proven successes from proof-of-concept at community level to regional, national and international level, using the platform and convening power of the Commonwealth Secretariat.
Our annual conferences of Commonwealth member states have led to the establishment of authoritative working groups in the fields of Regenerative Finance, Whole Country Regenerative Blueprint Mapping and Development & Governance. This allows us to take on the immense task of changing the way we interact with our Earth.
We implement systemic change at national, local and community levels and in all areas, which interconnect our planet – be it in the ocean, land or air, or in the areas of law and governance, gender or equality. All of these issues are interrelated to the health and biodiversity of our planet and its occupants; none can be ignored as we work towards regenerative solutions to reverse the impact of climate change.
We believe that with the right resources and a unified, coordinated effort we can develop and grow regenerative models of sustainability in all 54 of the Commonwealth member states by 2030.
Endorsed and supported by the Commonwealth, as well as some of the world’s leading experts in marine and land sciences, sustainability and regenerative development, Common Earth believes that these changes - which many people consider irreversible - can indeed be reversed, through a systemic change in humanity’s interaction with Earth.
Combining our experts’ knowledge and experience through the Common Earth Alliance - underpinning the interconnectivity and impact on the planet of each area of expertise – uniquely positions Common Earth to succeed in its mandated mission. We already have a proven track record; upon which we are building all over the world.