What We Do

True wealth derives from humans in harmony with a healthy biosphere. We work to improve humanity’s relationship with the planet through collaboration and understanding.


Regenerative development works from the principle that development initiatives must be interwoven with people and places, not imposed upon them. Its focus is not growth of financial wealth, but instead growth of understanding in how to work with living, dynamic systems. Below are some examples of completed projects that eloquently demonstrate the power of collaborative action.

Together we work out a regenerative solution to the immediate problem, as well as a long-term programme to safeguard its future. Every regenerative solution and any learnings from the process are then packaged up and shared with any community that could also benefit.


Partner Projects

The Regenerative Learning Laboratory is a collaboration with the Commonwealth Secretariat’s Innovation Hub to promote and learn from innovative, climate initiatives happening in the 54 member states.

These pioneering projects are leading the way. They demonstrate that by working with the unique qualities of places and the people who inhabit them, it is possible to unlock chains of cascading ecological, social, and economic benefits. Common Earth provides a learning laboratory for these projects: showcasing and analyzing how innovations, technologies, and ancient wisdom can all work together to restore and regenerate ecological and social health.


Common Earth Alliance

Common Earth Alliance is a creatively-driven and self-organizing association of diverse members united by Charter.

The Alliance was founded and is coordinated by Common Earth, the official implementation and delivery partner for regenerative development in the Commonwealth. Alliance members support a living set of first principles as articulated in the Charter.


Common Earth Alliance Working Groups

Common Earth Alliance convenes diverse working groups tackling topics such as regenerative finance in the area of climate change, bioregional projects, national-scale regeneration, and more.

Project Resourcing Working Group >

Project Resourcing Working Group >


"The task we face is not only to protect nature but also to collaborate with nature."

HRH Prince of Wales  |  Common Earth Meeting, May 2017
