Work With Us
With a well-developed proposition, outstanding partnership base and a unique toolkit, our greatest challenge is time. We need to redouble our efforts at community level (in funding projects), at regional level, and at country level (funding the Common Earth Working Groups).
If you are aware of any projects that could benefit from our input, or if you are able to share your expertise, please get in touch. We also need assistance at international level in funding our international conferences where all of the Commonwealth’s nations can share best practice knowledge and experience to then take back into their nations and communities.

Our relationship with the Commonwealth Secretariat, with its 54 nation states making approximately 32% of the world’s population of whom 60% are under the age of 30, puts us in a unique and privileged position.
The Commonwealth’s Blue Charter (Ocean) and Living Earth Charter (Land), to be implemented in partnership with Common Earth, present an urgent opportunity for us all to help, literally, save the planet. Please contact us if you wish to be involved.